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Interviewed in Euromoney re: Currency Hedging seminar

Abhishek Sachdev of Vedanta Hedging and Robin Henry of Collyer Bristow both spoke at a seminar on how companies should hedge their foreign exchange (FX) currency exposures.

Euromoney reported on this seminar, which can be seen here.

Mr Sachdev referred to the importance of seeking FCA authorised advice, and also pricing advice to make sure that Banks / brokers did not charge an excessive (hidden) profit margin on currency hedging.

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Nadia has a degree in Business Management and a Diploma for Financial Advisers (Level 4). She has ten years of experience in financial services. This includes FSA regulated adviser roles in HSBC, Halifax and Nationwide. As senior manager at Vedanta Nadia is responsible for managing the office, client contact and marketing for the business.

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Nadia has a degree in Business Management and a Diploma for Financial Advisers (Level 4). She has ten years of experience in financial services. This includes FSA regulated adviser roles in HSBC, Halifax and Nationwide. As senior manager at Vedanta Nadia is responsible for managing the office, client contact and marketing for the business.