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WEBINAR: “An Introduction to Foreign Exchange Hedging”

Vedanta Hedging

Abhishek Sachdev, CEO of Vedanta Hedging will soon present the first webinar in a new series that looks into how SMEs can manage their currency exposure. We will also explain the process involved if you are thinking of challenging existing FX contracts / structures due to mis-selling concerns.

In the current economic climate and particularly following the UK’s Brexit vote, managing currency risk can be daunting. In this webinar, we will shine a light into this complex area and explain that currency hedging does not have to be complex or involve expensive, hard to understand products.

Has your company struggled recently with managing currency exposure? Have you had margin calls from your FX broker? Have you been sold complex FX hedging products by your bank or broker? If so, this webinar is for you – register now!


Date: Wednesday 2nd November 2016
Time: 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM [GMT]